Forward yahoo mail to gmail

Forward yahoo mail to gmail - If for any reason you have to forward your Yahoo e-mail  to gmail, you have to  make a slight change to your Yahoo mail settings. It may seem complicated. but it's actually very easy to do!  This  step-by-step  guide will "walk"  you through the process. Requires Yahoo! Plus (paid version of Yahoo!).
Steps 01: Open Yahoo mail

Steps 02: Click on the Settings icon to get a pull-down menu.

Steps 03: Find  an option called  "POP & Forwarding"  and click on it.

Steps 04: Do the following once you are in the box:    
  • Tick the box "forward... mail to another e-mail address".     
  • Enter the  gmail e-mail you want to forward to.  (example shown on image)     
  • Make sure to have "forward only" words in the bottom window (see image).
Steps 05: Save your settings.

Steps 06: You will be asked to verify your gmail  address . To do so, open your gmail mail  and click on the link  provided by Yahoo.

Steps 07: From  this time one every email sent  to your Yahoo account will be automatically  forwarded to gmail.

Good luck! -

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