Block sender in gmail

Block sender in gmail - Block sender gmail - While you can't currently block messages from specific addresses or domains in Gmail, you can set up filters to send those unwanted messages directly to the Trash, never to be seen. Follow these easy steps to banish all unwanted mail.
Steps 01: Open Gmail. Determine which sender you no longer wish to receive messages from.
Steps 02: Click the triangle on the right-hand side of the search bar at the top of the screen. A window will appear. Ensure “All mail” is selected in the Search drop-down at the top left of the window.

Steps 03: Enter in the criteria for your search. In the From space, type in the email address of the sender you’d like to filter.
To be sure the search worked properly, click the blue search button at the bottom left of the window. Re-click the down arrow in the search bar to return to the search window. 

Steps 04: Click the “Create filter with this search” hyperlink at the bottom right of the search window. A new window will appear containing a number of possible actions to be applied to your search criteria.

Steps 05: Select “Delete it” by clicking the checkbox to the right. All messages received from this sender will automatically be sent to the Trash.

Good luck! -

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